How to stay mentally/spiritually fit? Yoga practice, as any of many physical exercises, encourages us to stay fit. Exactly as going to gym, TRX, boot camps or running, we work out our muscles to keep us strong and healthy and fight against gravity. As we all know, the body that is not exercised deteriorates –
Category: Yoga
Self-love for men
From Elephant Journal , November 28th, 2014 As a yoga teacher dedicated to bringing yoga, meditation and well-being to the male community, I continually ask myself these questions: What do men really need? What is the highest service I can offer as a Yoga teacher? From my own life experience I have realized
The Aligned Life
Design Your Life to Become More Aligned 7 Week Online Course Become the man you want to be. We are at a critical time in human evolution, a time when we can generate true shifts in consciousness. These shifts can and should begin within the heart of each individual. Do you want to change?
30 Days to Change Your Life
Change Your Life in 30 Days! 5 Week Online Course “Everyone wants transformation, but no one wants to change.” Commit to 30 days of Yoga and you will establish a healthy pattern that can CHANGE YOUR LIFE! Yoga is so common today it is a household word. Many people want to try yoga, but don’t
Falling in Love with Utthita Trikonasana
Utthita Trikonasana In Sanskrit, “utthita” means extended, “trikona” means three angle or triangle, and “asana” means pose. Variations Baddha trikonasana (Sanskrit: बद्धत्रिकोणासन; IAST: baddhatrikoṇāsana) (bound triangle pose) Baddha parivritta trikonasana (Sanskrit: बद्धपरिवृत्तत्रिकोणासन; IAST: baddhaparivṛttatrikoṇāsana) (bound revolved triangle pose) Parivritta trikonasana (Sanskrit: परिवृत्तत्रिकोणासन; IAST: parivṛttatrikoṇāsana) (revolved triangle pose) Supta trikonasana (Sanskrit: सुप्तत्रिकोणासन; IAST: suptatrikoṇāsana) (reclining triangle