Tag: Yoga
Bhakti and Bhakti Yoga
Written by Raj Ramachandran What is Bhakti? Bhakti holds a very unique and important place on the path of God. It is the unselfish supreme love between God and devotee. Bhakti removes all worries, anxieties, fears and mental stress. The term of Bhakti is used in a variety of ways. Most Simply, Bhakti refers to
Exercising The Engaged Mind
Written by Davy Marzella I have been attending Yoga 4 Men sessions for over a year now and have found Yoga practice very beneficial and Rad an inspiring teacher. “Yoga is here to bring us closer to reality, closer to what is really going on inside and outside of our bodies. Yoga aims at bringing
Yoga Classes in Cologne ( Köln) Germany BEGINN 13 FEBRUAR! Location; Alteburger Str. 250, 50968 Köln Jeden Dienstag 18.00 Uhr Ein Männer-Yoga-Kurs, der Kraft, Gleichgewicht und Flexibilität vereint – den Geist stimuliert und den Körper regeneriert. yoga4men ist ein Stil, der sich speziell auf den männlichen Körper konzentriert und auf häufige Spannungsbereiche abzielt